Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation

Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation program has been running from 2006 under the
technical and financial assistance from Muslim Aid and NGO Foundation. Apart from
consciousness rising supports like issue meeting, Yard Meeting, social campaign, training
etc, this program provides hardware supports too like installation of Tubewell and Water
Sealed Latrine (WSL) at the homestead level of the beneficiaries. Motivational support
enhances the awareness level of the community people and changed their attitude,
behavior and hygienic practices using safe-drinking water and sanitation.
During the period a total number of 230-families around Sadar, Chirirbandar Fulbari
Upazials under Dinajpur district received Hand Tubewell. So the total population
coverage could be calculated (Average member of each family: 5) 1150.

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